
  • José Eleutério da Rocha Neto Polícia Militar do Paraná




evidence-based policing, police training, police education, use of force, public safety


The worldwide debate over police use of force has made the study of police training necessary. From evidence of the inadequacy of current training methodology, another perspective on police training was proposed. Therefore, a perspective on police training based on principles of Behavior Analysis and on published evidence was presented. A narrative literature review was adopted in order to achieve that. The study presented a method based on the shaping of police behavior in the face of the need of using force and on the usage of stressing stimuli during training. Furthermore, it showed experimental evidence that supports the presented training method. The method bears some resemblances to traditional military and police training practices. Those were also briefly addressed, drawing a line between efficient and abusive practices. The study concluded that the presented perspective on police training might help to prepare law enforcement officers for the use of force. The return to some aspects of traditional training, with some caveats, might be profitable to officer’s training. New research on the matter is necessary.


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How to Cite

ELEUTÉRIO DA ROCHA NETO, J. OPERANT AND RESPONDENT CONDITIONING IN POLICE TRAINING FOR THE USE OF FORCE: OSSIBILITY OF AN EVIDENCE-BASED RETURN TO TRADITIONS. Journal of the Unified Public Security System, Brasília, Brasil, v. 1, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.56081/2763-9940/revsusp.v1i2.a12. Disponível em: https://revistasusp.mj.gov.br/susp/index.php/revistasusp/article/view/167. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.