Ação da Guarda Municipal de Vitória/ES na Proteção da Mulher em Situação de Violência





Visita de atenção; Botão do Pânico; Guarda Civil Municipal


This article provides a report on the preventive action from Vitória/ES City guard between 2016 and 2020 in the protection of women who suffered domestic and family violence. The so-called attention visit action aimed the "Panic Button" service expansion beyond the intervention before and after the device activation by women inserted in the Project. It also intended the humanization provided by GCMV/ES care by expanding the preventive dimension of “Panic Button" Project. The work method involved not only periodic suitable pre-scheduled care visits, but also evaluative and deliberative meetings with the involved institutions. The results showed positive indications in preventive-repressive actions against domestic and family violence in Vitória/ES city with the collaboration of the attention visit in the "Panic Button" Project. Nevertheless, the action highlighted the possibility of expanding care and enlarge the preventive character of the "Panic Button Project promoting public safety with citizenship for women victims of violence. 

Author Biography

Rafael Almeida Barcelos, Guarda Civil Municipal de Vitória/ES

Mestre e graduado em Educação Física pela UFES. É Guarda Civil Municipal de Vitória-ES.


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How to Cite

BARCELOS, R. A. Ação da Guarda Municipal de Vitória/ES na Proteção da Mulher em Situação de Violência. Journal of the Unified Public Security System, Brasília, Brasil, v. 3, n. 2, p. 209–223, 2024. DOI: 10.56081/revsusp.v3i2.399. Disponível em: https://revistasusp.mj.gov.br/susp/index.php/revistasusp/article/view/399. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.



Continuous Flow