


Interdisciplinary training, PROGESP, public security.


This text presents a reflection on the interdisciplinarity in the training of public security professionals by UFBA, developed by the Postgraduate Program in Public Security - Progesp, through the Professional Master Degree in Public Security, Justice and Citizenship MPSPJC. It seeks to understand how MPSPJC contributed to the immersion of these professionals in a new perspective of security marked by a commitment to citizenship and democratic values. Thus, it analyzes the academic contributions of its students, from the conclusion of the course work, distributed among the subareas “crime and victimization”, “public security policy and management” and “human rights and citizenship”. It highlights the innovation of the MPSPJC in bringing public security institutions closer to the university, and the new ways of thinking about public security resulting from this dialogue. Of a qualitative nature, and with an empirical clipping of the intellectual production of the masters from 2010 to 2020, it is evident that the MPSPJC collaborated not only for the realization of the research and public policy agenda in the area of public security, but also for the visualization demands made by society as well as by public security institutions.

Author Biographies

Ivone Freire Costa, federal university of Bahia

PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology from the Technical University of Lisbon - UTL (2003). Master in Administration from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (1990). Graduated in Public Administration from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (1974). She is currently Full Professor at the University Federal of Bahia. Coordinator of the Professional Master's Course in Public Security, Justice and Citizenship (MPSPJC). Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Public Security (PROGESP) linked to the National Network of High Studies in Public Security (RENAESP), National Security Secretariat (SENASP) in which it coordinates the Specialization Courses on Policies and Management in Public Security and the Specialization in Violence Prevention, Promotion of Security and Citizenship. Member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum and Representative of the National High Studies in Public Security Network (RENAESP) at the National Conference on Public Security (CONSEG), 2008/2009. Professional Master's Coordinator in Public Security, Justice and Citizenship (MPSPJC, in the periods 2013/2015 and; 2015 / 2017. Research Line: Public Security Policies and Management; Public Security, Violence and Urban Crime. It mainly works on the following themes: Public Security Organizations and their dynamics; Contemporary Public Security Management; Police in the System Public Security; Police and community relations.

Anderson Souza da Silva, Catholic University of Salvador

Graduated in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FULL LICENSE from the Catholic University of Salvador (2005) and technical-professional course by the Federal Institute of Bahia (1998).

Taiala Águilan Nunes Dos Santos, federal university of Bahia

Master's student in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Bahia. Degree in Social Sciences from the same University. Researcher at the Laboratory of Studies on Crime and Society - LASSOS and at the Graduate Program in Public Security - PROGESP. He is dedicated to studies on the police, in particular victimization and police lethality.


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How to Cite

FREIRE COSTA, I.; SOUZA DA SILVA, A.; NUNES DOS SANTOS, T. Águilan. THE INTERDISCIPLINARY TRAINING OF PUBLIC SECURITY PROFESSIONALS: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA (UFBA). Journal of the Unified Public Security System, Brasília, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.56081/2763-9940/revsusp.v1n1.a3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.