


domestic and family violence, violence against women, pandemic, COVID-19.


The relevance of the study carried out in this article is to seek to establish relationships between the social isolation imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes in the number of reports of domestic violence against women in the Specialized Division in Assistance to Women (DEAM) of Belém, Capital of the State of Pará. The objective of the study is to analyze all police reports registered at DEAM Belém during the COVID-19 pandemic, from March to July 2020, with the information obtained from the Assistant Secretariat for Intelligence and Criminal Analysis of the State of Pará (SIAC). The research carried out was of a documentary, quantitative and descriptive nature, through an exploratory study. The results revealed that, from March to July 2020, most of the reports made were related to psychological violence, motivated by hatred/revenge, during the night, with Sunday as the most frequent day of the week, the month of July, the 8th Integrated Public Security Area (AISP) and the Pedreira neighborhood, which obtained the highest number of police reports. When comparing the reposrts made during the COVID-19 pandemic period with the same period in previous years, it was concluded that there was a reduction in the number of reports and a change in the results of the analyzed variables.

Author Biographies

Adriana Barros Norat, Civil Police of the State of Pará

Master's student in Public Security from the Federal University of Pará (2020). Graduated in Law from Universidade da Amazônia (2002). She is currently a delegate of the Civil Police of the State of Pará.

Fernanda Marinho Corrêa de Almeida, Civil Police of the State of Pará.

Master's student in Public Security from the Federal University of Pará (2020). Graduated in Law from Universidade da Amazônia (2005). She is currently a delegate of the Civil Police of the State of Pará.

Silvia dos Santos de Almeida, Federal University of Pará

Graduada em Estatística pela UFPA - Universidade Federal do Pará (1993), mestrado em Estatística pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1999) e doutorado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003). Atualmente é professora Titular na UFPA, onde coordena o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Segurança Pública (PPGSP), é professora na Graduação em Estatística e no PPGSP. Também é professora Colaboradora no Mestrado em Gestão de Defesa Social e Mediação de Conflitos da Universidade de Cabo Verde. É associada do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública e da Associação Brasileira de Estatística.

Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos, Federal University of Pará

Bachelor in Statistics from the Federal University of Pará (1994), Master in Statistics from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1999) and PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2003). He is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará. He is a Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Public Security at the Federal University of Pará. He is an Advisor to the Brazilian Forum on Public Security. He is a collaborating professor at the University of Cape Verde in the Master of Public Security.

Alethea Maria Carolina Sales Bernardo, Federal University of Pará

PhD student in Criminal Sciences at the University of Porto (2020). Master in Public Security from the Federal University of Pará (2019). Graduated in Law - Estácio FAP (2017) and in Social Communication - Journalism from the University of the Amazon (2007). He is currently the Civil Police Clerk of the State of Pará, class D - last class, of the Specialized Precinct Investigation of Fraud and Other Frauds of the Division of Investigation and Special Operations. Having worked in the Specialized Division of Assistance to Women, with experience in facing domestic and family violence against women, and sexual crimes, in the Specialized Police Station in Assistance to Children and Adolescents (facing sexual crimes against vulnerable people); Corporate Intelligence and Security Advisory to the State of Pará's Environment and Sustainability Secretariat (confronting crimes against the environment, fraud against the administration, animal trafficking); Technological Crimes Enforcement Division.


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How to Cite

NORAT, A. B.; CORRÊA DE ALMEIDA, F. M.; DE ALMEIDA, S. dos S.; LEAL SOARES RAMOS, E. M. .; CAROLINA SALES BERNARDO, A. M. DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, IN BELÉM - PARÁ, DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD. Journal of the Unified Public Security System, Brasília, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.56081/2763-9940/revsusp.v1n1.a4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.