


Physical fitness, cardiovascular risk, firefighters, Military Fire Departament of Brasília.


In this study, we approach the main cardiovascular risks associated with the work activities of firefighters, with the presentation of ways of measuring the components of physical fitness related to health, which can serve as a screening tool in the identification of professionals with a greater propensity to certain comorbidities. Initially, the activities of firefighters and their cardiovascular overload related to firefighting are briefly described. Next, the health risk factors that have been the subject of investigation in this occupational group are presented. Subsequently, we emphasize the importance of good physical fitness to minimize the risk of cardiovascular events and, finally, we discuss the importance of the physical fitness test as a way of evaluating the physical fitness components. In addition, evidence of the effectiveness of the partnership established with the Public University is presented, as well as the implementation of public health promotion policies with a view to reducing the damage caused to this working class, whose objective is to save lives.

Author Biographies

Rosenkranz Maciel Nogueira, Military Fire Department of the Federal District

Graduated in PHYSICAL EDUCATION by the EXERCISE SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1993), graduated in FIRE ENGINEERING - Military Fire Brigade of the Federal District (1990) and Course of High Political Studies and Strategy by the Escola Superior de Guerra (2013). Master's degree at the University of Brasília in Physical Education. Specialization in Education Administration by UnB, Specialization in Exercise Physiology by UnB. Developed projects - IDEALIZATION of the project and execution of the CBMDF Physical Training Center; - Acquisition project of fitness centers for Physical Training at CBMDF; - Idealization and centralization of the CBMDF Physical Fitness Test;

Daniel Rodrigues Ferreira Saint Martin, University of Brasilia

Graduated in Physical Education at Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB (2012). Post-graduation in Exercise Physiology Applied to Sports Training and Sports Nutrition by UniCEUB (2016). Master in Physical Education from the University of Brasília - UnB (2018). PhD student in Physical Education at the University of Brasília - UnB. Member of the Study Group on Physiology and Epidemiology of Exercise and Physical Activity - GEAFS / UnB. Develops research on measures of physical activity and its implications for health. He works as a collaborator at the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at the Faculty of Physical Education at UnB. Member of the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health and the American College of Sports Medicine - ACSM since 2019.

Edgard de Melo Keene Von Koenig Soares, University of Brasilia

Graduated in Physical Education from the University of Brasília (2011) and Master in Physical Education from the University of Brasília (2016). He is currently a substitute professor at the University of Brasilia and a doctoral student at the University of Brasilia. Has experience in Physical Education, acting on the following subjects: Exercise Physiology, Applied Statistics, Physical Activity Epidemiology

João Paulo Araujo Barbosa, University of Brasilia

In the academic field, he is a licensed teacher in Physical Education, graduated from the Center for University Development of the Midwest (UNIDESC) and a bachelor's degree from the Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB), he is currently pursuing an academic master's degree in Physical Education from the University of Brasilia. Professionally, he is Supervisor of Escola 215 in Santa Maria, at the State Department of Education of the Federal District.

Kevin Alves Barreto, University of Brasilia

Graduando em Educação Física - Bacharelado pela Faculdade de Educação Física - Universidade de Brasília -Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Aptidão física na saúde e no desempenho físico. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Atividade Física e Saúde. Participante ativo do Grupo de Estudos em Fisiologia e Epidemiologia do Exercício e da Atividade Física na linha de pesquisa - atividade física e aptidão física na saúde e no desempenho físico.

Mayda de Castro Silva, Civil Police of the Federal District

Special Class Police Agent of the Civil Police of the Federal District. Graduated in Physical Education / ESEFEGO - SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF GOIÁS Postgraduate - Specialist in Adapted Physical Education / ESEFEGO - SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF GOIÁS Master's Student in Physical Education / UnB - Universidade de Brasília

Leonardo Correa Segedi, University of Brasilia

Licenciado e bacharel em Educação Física pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília; Mestre em Educação física pela Universidade de Brasília; Trabalha no Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Distrito Federal na área fim e colaborando com a participação no treinamento físico da instituição.Trabalhou com treinamento resistido e modalidades ginásticas na Academia Body Work; Participou de projeto de extensão, Programa de Iniciação Científica em 2009 a 2010 e 2010 a 2011. Possui interesse em trabalhos na área de aspectos biológicos relacionados ao desempenho e a saúde e qualidade de vida

Carlos Janssen Gomes da Cruz, University of Brasilia

Graduated in Physical Education (bachelor's degree and undergraduate degree) at the Centro Universitário Euro Americano (2012), specialization in Exercise Physiology (Universidade Gama Filho-2013), Master in Medical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brasília (2015) and is currently doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Physical Education at the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Brasília. Takes classes in Basic Human Physiology and Exercise Physiology at the basic health center of the Euro American University Center - UNIEURO. He has experience in functional assessment and exercise prescription for groups at risk. He is currently coordinator of the Study and Research Group on Cardiac Autonomic Function (GEFAC-UNIEURO) and collaborator of the Study Group on Physiology and Epidemiology of Exercise and Physical Activity (GEAFS-UnB).

Giliard Lago Giliard Lago, University of Brasilia

Professor Bachelor in Physical Education graduated from the Euro-American University Center UNIEURO (2011), specializing in Bodybuilding and Strength Training (2013), Master in Physical Education (2016) and PhD in Physical Education from the Faculty of Physical Education (FEF) of University of Brasilia-UnB. I participate in the Study Group on Physiology and Epidemiology of Exercise and Physical Activity (GEAFS) coordinated by Professors Dr. Guilherme Eckhardt Molina, Dr. Luiz Guilherme Grossi Porto and Dr. Keila Elizabeth Fontana, from the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at FEF-UnB and the Cardiovascular Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine-Unb. I work on the evaluation project of cardiac autonomic function in different clinical and functional conditions coordinated by Professor Dr. Guilherme Eckhardt Molina, Professor of practical guidance of the Physical Education course at UniCeub, Professor at the post-graduation Faculty Laboro and professor at Academia UNIQUE Fitness Editora LTDA. I have experience in Cardiovascular Physiology, Exercise Physiology and Clinical Exercise Physiology.

Welere Gomes Barbosa, University of Brasilia

BA in PUBLIC SAFETY from the University of Tocantins, BA in PHYSICAL EDUCATION from the University of Brasília - UnB and BA in LAW from the University of São Paulo. Specialist in HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHING from the University of Tocantins, in POLITICAL SCIENCES AND BRAZILIAN STRATEGY from the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT and in LEGAL SCIENCES from the Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul. PMESP Security and MASTERS in PHYSICAL EDUCATION by the University of Brasília - UnB. Currently pursuing a PhD in PHYSICAL EDUCATION at the University of Brasília - UnB.

Guilherme Eckhardt Molina, University of Brasilia

Doutor em Ciências Médicas pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) - 2013; Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pela Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde - UnB (2006); Especialista em Fisiologia do Exercício pela Faculdade de Educação Física - UnB (2001) e Graduação em Educação Física (Bacharelado e Licenciatura) pela Universidade Gama Filho (2000). Atualmente é professor adjunto II da Faculdade de Educação Física da UnB. No contexto da PESQUISA, é orientador permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Física (Área 21) e um dos líderes do Grupo de Pesquisa (CNPq) em Fisiologia e Epidemiologia do Exercício e da Atividade Física e pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Cardiologia Clínica e Experimental, ambos UnB. Atuou co-orientando nos programas de Pós-graduação em Ciências Médicas e Ciências da Saúde - UnB. É coordenador do Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício da Faculdade de Educação Física e atuou como pesquisador do Laboratório Cardiovascular da Faculdade de Medicina-UnB (2008 - 2018). Tem experiência na área da Fisiologia Humana com ênfase em Fisiologia do Esforço e do Exercício com o enfoque cardiovascular e metabólico. A sua linha de pesquisa relaciona-se com o controle autonômico do coração nas condições de repouso- esforço e recuperação após o esforço, com a avaliação cardiopulmonar (Ergoespirométrica) e com o metabolismo humano em indivíduos com diversas condições clínicas e funcionais. Atua como revisor científico de periódicos nacionais e internacionais. É Membro da American Autonomic Society - AAS e do American College of Sports Medicine - ACSM desde 2016. 

Luiz Guilherme Grossi Porto Grossi Porto, University of Brasilia

Graduated in Physical Education (1994), Master in Health Sciences (1999) and PhD in Medical Sciences (2007) from the University of Brasília. He has served as Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Brasília (UnB) since February 2013. He held a postdoctoral position at Harvard University (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) between 2015-2016, where he served as Visiting Scientist until 2019 at Environmental & Occupational Medicine & Epidemiology Program, where he continues to act as "Collaborator". Develops research on cardiovascular risk in firefighters and police, focusing on physical fitness, physical activity and cardiac autonomic function. He worked as a collaborator at the Cardiovascular Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine of UnB between 1997 and 2018. He is an effective member of the Graduate Program in Physical Education of the Faculty of Physical Education of UnB. He has experience in the field of physical activity and health, with an emphasis on applied cardiovascular physiology and epidemiology of physical activity, acting mainly on the following topics: physical conditioning, aerobic physical activity, arterial hypertension, quality of life, promotion of physical activity for the community and studies cardiac autonomic function, worker health and in different clinical-epidemiological aspects of the relationship between physical activity and health. He was creator and coordinator of the Agita TST Program between 2004 and 2013. He is an Honorary Member of CELAFISCS (2016) and scientific advisor of the Agita São Paulo Program since 2009. He acts as a reviewer of national and international journals. Member of the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health and of the American College of Sports Medicine - ACSM since 2009. Currently I also act as an elected member of the Board of the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health, management 2020-21.



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2022-11-17 — Updated on 2022-11-17

How to Cite

MACIEL NOGUEIRA, R.; FERREIRA SAINT MARTIN, D. R.; KEENE VON KOENIG SOARES, E. de M.; ARAUJO BARBOSA, J. P.; BARRETO, K. A.; SILVA, M. de C.; SEGEDI, L. C.; GOMES DA CRUZ, C. J.; GILIARD LAGO, G. L.; BARBOSA, W. G.; MOLINA, G. E.; GROSSI PORTO, . L. G. G. P. CARDIOVASCULAR RISK AND THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR THE MILITARY FIREFIGHTER. Journal of the Unified Public Security System, Brasília, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.56081/2763-9940/revsusp.v1n1.a7. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.