Organizational climate, psychological instrumentation, police.Abstract
The organizational climate has been related to other constructs such as satisfaction, well-being and quality of life at work, organizational culture and organizational results such as productivity and performance. It has also become an important organizational diagnostic tool and a proposal for improving working conditions, both in public and private organizations. However, the number of works that use the organizational climate in public security institutions is still scarce. This article was based on an exploratory, cross-sectional case study with a quantitative and qualitative approach in the Civil Police of Santa Catarina. Data collection was carried out through the application of the Civil Police Organizational Climate Questionnaire (CPOCQ) in the state stage. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed signs of internal validity and pointed to seven dimensions of analysis: Perception of Management; Professional Appreciation; Interpersonal relationship; Identification with the Work; Professional development; Comfort and Equipment; and Workload. The analyzes pointed to the need to review professional development policies, accessibility and availability of courses and training, improvement of working conditions and workload distribution. As a way of changing the organizational climate, the creation of strategies and policies for people management was proposed, such as the creation of climate committees for the effective participation of the police themselves in solving problems.
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